
Wednesday 30 August 2017


descriptive writing

Rip! Goes the wrapping paper.My heart is pounding of excitement. I can smell the salty bacon in the kitchen. I can see lots of scrunched up wrapping paper and presents on the floor. I can hear the loud Christmas crackers. In my head, I was wondering what it would be.  

Thursday 24 August 2017


She is a hair dresser.
She likes to eat fancy food.
She's very quiet.
She hates it when I jump on her furniture.
She has a small Dog called Benji.
She has a garden.
Who am I ?

3D Printing

Friday 11 August 2017

How wolves changed the river

How wolves changed the river

In 1995 wolves came back to Yellowstone national park. When wolves came back the animals behaved differently.

When the wolves started killing some the deer got scared and stopped going to places the wolves can trap them.
When the deer were gone most of the park regenerated.

Birds started moving in because there was more trees than beverages started moving in because they liked to eat the trees. Also this caused ducks , otters and muskrats to come because the beavers built dams.

The wolves killed coyotes so more mice and rabbits came because of this hawks , weasels , foxes and badgers came. Eagles and ravens came down to feed on the bodies the wolves left

The wolves also left food for the bears . The bears fed on it to then more bears came and fed on the berries. In the regenerating forest the plant roots stabilise the banks so that they collapsed less often so the river came more fixed in their course .

Life in yellowstone national park was greatly changed and lots of animals returned because the wolves.



Money flow chart