
Tuesday 31 October 2017



Granny is really fun when she picks me up after school.
Really cool when she takes me to the park.
Always thinks about others.
Never gets grumpy at people.
News is her favorite thing to watch.   
Yummy food is what she cooks.

By RicoImage result for cartoon grandma png

Wednesday 30 August 2017


descriptive writing

Rip! Goes the wrapping paper.My heart is pounding of excitement. I can smell the salty bacon in the kitchen. I can see lots of scrunched up wrapping paper and presents on the floor. I can hear the loud Christmas crackers. In my head, I was wondering what it would be.  

Thursday 24 August 2017


She is a hair dresser.
She likes to eat fancy food.
She's very quiet.
She hates it when I jump on her furniture.
She has a small Dog called Benji.
She has a garden.
Who am I ?

3D Printing

Friday 11 August 2017

How wolves changed the river

How wolves changed the river

In 1995 wolves came back to Yellowstone national park. When wolves came back the animals behaved differently.

When the wolves started killing some the deer got scared and stopped going to places the wolves can trap them.
When the deer were gone most of the park regenerated.

Birds started moving in because there was more trees than beverages started moving in because they liked to eat the trees. Also this caused ducks , otters and muskrats to come because the beavers built dams.

The wolves killed coyotes so more mice and rabbits came because of this hawks , weasels , foxes and badgers came. Eagles and ravens came down to feed on the bodies the wolves left

The wolves also left food for the bears . The bears fed on it to then more bears came and fed on the berries. In the regenerating forest the plant roots stabilise the banks so that they collapsed less often so the river came more fixed in their course .

Life in yellowstone national park was greatly changed and lots of animals returned because the wolves.



Money flow chart

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Muhammad All

Muhammad All’s birth name was Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. He was born in Louisville Kentucky on January 17th 1942. Image result for muhammad ali pngHis father, Cassius Clay Sr worked as a sign painter and his mother Odessa  worked as a maid. Young Cassius had a younger brother named Rudy. The Clays weren't rich, but they weren't poor either. During the time Cassius grew up, southern states like Kentucky were segregated by race. This meant that there were different facilities such as schools, restaurants, swimming pools, and restrooms for black people and white people. Laws called Jim Crow Laws enforced this separation and made life difficult on African Americans like Cassius. Becoming a Boxer When Cassius was twelve years old, someone stole his bike. He was very angry. He told a police officer that he was going to beat up the person who stole it. It turned out that the officer, Joe Martin, was a boxing coach. Joe told Cassius that he better learn how to fight before he tried beating anyone up. Cassius took Joe up on his offer and was soon learning how to box. Cassius discovered that he had a real talent for boxing. He was much faster than other fighters his size. He could throw a quick punch and then dodge out of the way before the other fighter could react. He fought 105 fights as an amateur fighter, winning 100 and only losing 5. He also won several Gold Glove championships and was soon considered one of the best amateur light-heavyweight boxers in the world. The Olympics In 1960, Cassius travelled to Rome, Italy to participate in the Olympics. He defeated all his opponents to win the Gold Medal. Upon returning home, Cassius was an American hero. He decided to turn to professional boxing.

Popular 60s celebrity

Friday 24 March 2017

My animal story

I am strongly against animals being in captivity because they are going crazy,starving to death and being taken from the wild .

One reason the I think animals should not be in captivity is that animals are dying of starvation because their owners are not feeding the animals .

My second reason is that animals might try commit suicide and over the past few years lots of animals  have gone crazy or tried to commit suicide because they can't do natural things

Thursday 16 March 2017

60s dance

Our topic is art of the decades . We did a 60s dance my group got the mashed potato . We had to dance to the song by watching the video.  

Friday 10 March 2017

60s Fashion Challenge

Yesterday we did a 60s fashion challenge and we all had groups of 4 or 5 .
After we got into our groups  we made our plan by looking at pictures on the internet and then we did a drawing on a big piece of paper . We made a jacket because it looked popular  on the internet . We had to use lots of tape because it kept falling apart . One thing that went well was that we got his sleeves to stay on tight without ripping the paper.Next time I would try not to use so much tape on his jacket and then we would of been able to make pants for him .

Thursday 9 March 2017

Dr suess

Dr seuss's real name is Theodor Seuss Geisel
He was born in March the 2nd  of 1904
Springfield Massachusetts american
He died on September the 24th 1991 and he was 87
And he died in La Jolla California Image result for dr seuss face\
He died because he got Oral cancer
He went to Springfield Central High School and graduated in 1921 . He writ cat in the hat , green eggs and ham , one fish two fish red fish blue fish , fox in socks , the lorax

Dr suess nonsense creature

This week we read the if I ran the zoo .So we made a nonsense creature and this is it

Thursday 2 March 2017


This is my pepha

2017 blog

My Name is Rico And I go to Papakura Central School I am  a year 6 I am in room 8 for 2017 I hope you enjoy my blog