
Wednesday 13 April 2016

Have A Go Day

Yesterday we had a Have A Go Day . My favourite sport was turbo touch because it's my favourite sport already.

Hand ball

In room 4 we had to teach Mrs Rowland's how to play and ball step by step enjoy

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Google maps

In room 4 we learnt how to use Google maps in maths in navigation .I put an activity at the end of the slide show for you to navigate from your house to Rainbow's End enjoy .

Monday 11 April 2016

Papakura marae

In my group we learnt all about the Papakura Marae I made a slide show about all the things I learnt about the Papakura Marae .Our learning was to find out all about the papakura Marae then we had to make a slide show on all of the facts and information about our papakura Marae . hope you learned something.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Time management

In room four were learning about Time Management I worked in a group of six it was a team building activity .